Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Softball Bunt Video


Bunting off a tee-this drill will be helpful when trying to bunt in different directions.  If the drill starts off with the ball in a stationary position and the players are able to bunt the ball off the tee in different directions each time it will help them figure out hand positions and placement when attempting to bunt a moving ball.  This neurological drill can help in building muscle memory so the athlete doesn't have to think when going to bunt, it becomes a natural motion.

Hand Placement Drill while bunting-this will help the batter determine the most comfortable way for them to successfully get their bunt down.  Not everyone will use the same hand placement this is why it’s better to practice the different strategies before competing in a game.  This drill is eccentric contraction type and it works on the mechanical perspectives of a softball bunt.

Pivot when pitcher starts motion-this drill is done without a ball.  Everyone is lined up in a line and in their batting stance.  The coach will simulate a pitch.  When the coach starts their pitching motion the batters will get into bunting form and hold their stance for 5 seconds.  This will allow the batter to create a balanced stance and demonstrate proper form to be more successful in a live situation.  It is more of an isometric contraction because you want to remain still and balanced.  It can also vary in speeds as to whether you want to show the bunt early or late.

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