Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Pivoting off the feet towards the pitcher, and pivoting the hips toward the pitcher as well.  The top hand on the bat is moved toward the barrel of the bat and is pinching the bat.  The arms are extended and the bat is out across the plate.

Scapulothoracic downward rotation by the pectoralis minor and the rhomboids.  Diagonal adduction by the pectoralis minor and the rhomboids working eccentrically with the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and the coracobrachialis in the frontal plane around the anteroposterior axis of rotation.

Humeroulna adduction of the sinister and dexter arms by the triceps brachii long, lateral and medial heads working eccentrically in the frontal plane around the anteroposterior axis of rotation.

Radioulna pronation of the sinister arm by the pronator teres and pronator quadratus working isometrically in the transverse plane around the vertical axis of rotation.

Radioulna supination of the dexter arm by the biceps brachii long and short heads working isometrically in the transverse plane around the vertical axis of rotation.

Internal rotation of the acetabularfemoral joint by the gracilis, semimembranosus, and the tensor fasciae latae in the transverse plane around the vertical axis rotation working concentrically.

Flexion of the acetabularfemoral joint by the illacus, psoas major and minor, rectus femoris, satorius, pectineus, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and the biceps femoris working concentrically in the sagittal plane around the mediolateral axis of rotation.

Slight sinister and dexter flexion of the tibiofemural joint by the biceps femoris, popliteus, semi-membranosus and semi-tendinosus in the sagittal plane in the mediolateral axis of rotation working isometrically.

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